Ramblings of a ?

Saturday, August 07, 2010

This might be the year for the Texas Rangers

I am finally getting excited about the Texas Rangers. I have been so cautious lately just waiting to make sure that they stay the course before I get too emotionally attached. Well, I think that I am there. Their pitching has been steady all season long. With the addition of Cliff Lee the Rangers now have a strong 1 - 4 when you add CJ Wilson, Colby Lewis, and Tommy Hunter and if Rich Harden can pitch like he did last week then the Rangers have a salty pitching rotation. Then you have O’Day, Harrison, and Ogando in relief and then Oliver and Francisco set up and then bring in Felix to close it down. I am sorry but I will put that pitching staff against any other staff in MLB right now.

On offense you have the following batting avgs and stats:

Hamilton .357

Moreland .333 6 games 21 AB

Cruz .322 .384 OBP .585 SLG 15

Guerrero .303 .353 OBP 21 HR 86 RBI

Kinsler .298 .387 OBP

Young .295 .350 OBP 16 HR

Cantu .286 5 games 14 AB

Andrus .277 .363 OBP 27 Steals

Arias .275

Borbon .269

Murphy .259

Blanco .230

Treanor .225

Molina .211

Add their offense to that pitching staff and you have a World Series contender and add Nolan Ryan and Chuck Greenberg as new owners and there is a reason to be excited.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

How is it possible that Obama is going to get elected

I only have one reason that makes sense. Obama supporters are acting like sheep. This is from the website Sheep101.info "Sheep have a strong instinct to follow the leader. When one sheep decides to go somewhere, the rest of the flock usually follows, even if it is not a good decision. For example, if the lead sheep jumps over a cliff, the others are likely to follow." This is exactly what is happening right now in this country. I will let everyone know that I am a registered Democrat so this is not from a right wing wacko. Also I am not real thrilled with the thought of McCain either but like they say it is the lesser or two evils.

We have people stating the fact that they are voting for Obama because they want change. The problem is they have not thought about the change that they will get. Obama will bring a socialist view to the white house. He will raise taxes on everyone. He will hit the rich hard but he will tax EVERYONE more. I work hard, pay taxes but I will get my taxes raised, people below me on the social class who does not pay taxes anyway will get money. WOW. That is impressive, don't work, don't pay taxes, and get money back. Sign me up, but wait, where is that money coming from. It is coming from another hard working tax payer. Why should I get someone else's money? Count me out. Give me what I earn.

You think we have some radical federal judges now, wait until Obama gets through with his appointments. There will not be a constitution left. These judges do not understand their job description. A judge is supposed to uphold the constitution not to change it. The supreme court is the big one that will have ramifications for generations to come.

He will start the withdrawal of our troops from Iraq as soon as he can. I will not say that I 100% agree with the war but at the time it is working so we need to finish it. It would be criminal for Obama to have a complete withdrawal now. Also, "Obama as Commander in Chief" of our military. Now that is scary.

What about his friends. I found this website and it states his relationships perfectly. Click on this website http://obamawho.wordpress.com/2008/04/11/obamas-friends/ . You definitely need to check out the videos on this page. Also do not forget about Khalidi and Obama. With friends like these we can not elect a person the President of the United States of America.

Misc points.

- We are not sure that he is an United States Citizens
- What exactly is on the tape that the LA Times is not releasing(Khalidi maybe)
- What about his wife, Michelle's hatred for her country up until her husbands nomination
- What about his lack of experience
- He can not even get a security clearance for the FBI
- His aunt is in the country illegally in public housing and Obama says he did not know that

I could go on and on but I will stop.

Now back to the sheep.

- By now everyone has either heard this or seen this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCipmnYCKB0&feature=related
- People are voting for a change without looking at the issues
- I heard a lady yesterday that said she never thought she would be able to vote for a black man
for president in her lifetime so that is why she is voting Obama.
- What about this lady http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ucU1QpEii4 what is she talking
about. Will Obama pay for her gas or mortgage? Can we say "distribution of wealth"

As voters we need to be smart and prudent and actually know what the issues are. We should not vote because someone is younger, just because of race, everyone else is and I want to say that I did too.

Remember the characteristics of sheep "Sheep have a strong instinct to follow the leader. When one sheep decides to go somewhere, the rest of the flock usually follows, even if it is not a good decision. For example, if the lead sheep jumps over a cliff, the others are likely to follow."

Stop being SHEEP.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Carson is right

Harry Carson stood on the podium at Canton today insisting he did not belong there. Harry Carson was right. Talking about someone who used whining and fit throwing to get into the NFL HOF. Hopefully this will not be trend. I really don't see that happening. IF it does happen, can you blame them. It worked for Carson. There are so many deserving players not in the HOF. I just hope these deserving players do make it one day. It is so hard to watch the NFL be involved in this travesty. Harry Carson should be ashamed at what happened today. He won't be.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I just got back from the Switchfoot concert at Six Flags over Texas. I have never seen Switchfoot live before so I did not know what to expect. It was awesome. I was really impressed with the show the way it sounded. I forget how many great songs they have. If you are able to see them live you need to. Mutemouth opened for Switchfoot and they were great also.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Go Ahead and Call me a Homer

Being a Dallas Maverick fan the past week has been rough. Let me state for the record that the Game 3 meltdown led to this situation but Game 5 takes the prize. First, Stackhouse gets suspended for something Shaq said was less than his kids give him when they jump on him to give him a hug. I kept hearing that he was not going for the ball. Just because he couldn't get to the ball doesn't mean he was trying. Shaq is a big fellow and it would be hard to get around him. What about the hard foul Haslem had I think in Game two where he hurt himself? That was just as hard as Stackhouse's. That suspension, I believe, came straight down from David Stern. The NBA can say what they want but that is what I believe. Then in game five Wade goes to the line more than the whole Maverick team, BS. There were so many obvious fouls especially Dirk getting fouled that were not called. That last foul that got Wade to the line was ridiculous. Wade was barely touched. Then the timeout. Any referee in the world would know a coach is not calling a timeout at that point. The NBA is doing everything they can to get a Heat victory. They want Shaq and Wade to be the next coverboys for the NBA. They don't want an out spoken, young, most of the time right owner getting the trophy. If the Heat win the series the NBA will have gotten their way by force. IMHO.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Carson the Whiner

I guess I haven't posted like I said I would. Oh well, I will try again. Let's move on the recently announced NFL Hall of Fame inductees. Being a Dallas Cowboys fan I definitely have my opinions about the HOF but I just want to hit one topic today, Harry Carson. Since win does an athlete just rip the HOF process and voters, whine and whine like a three year old, ask to not be considered again and then get voted in. Give me a break. I don't think he belongs. Looking at the long list of deserving players that are not there putting Carson in the HOF is a disgrace. I am not stating this because I am biased. Yes, I do not like the Giants but this is not about bias, it is about all the whining this guy did and it worked. Maybe if I whine and bitch and tell my employer not to promote me he will. Maybe when I get stopped for a ticket in my car I will whine and bitch at the police officer and tell hem to go ahead and give me a ticket he will change his mind and give me a warning. Maybe I will try one of these. Next time I write I might be unemployed or in jail but for Harry Carson it got him in the NFL Hall of Fame. Great job Harry.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Baseball's "biggest jerk"

I am tired of hearing about "the biggest jerk in the world". I am talking about Matt Starr. He is the guy who went after the foul ball at a recent Texas Ranger baseball game. When I first heard this story I was rather appalled myself. How could a grown man fall on a kid(the kid's name is Nick O'Brien) and take the foul ball from the kid's hands? Then I saw the video of the "incident". Give me a break. I saw an excited fan reaching for a foul ball fall not lunge. I saw Matt's leg touch the kid. I saw the mother hit Matt a couple of times with her program. Then I saw the fan go back to his seat. Yes he was excited and held up the ball. Yes he did not give the ball to the kid. Maybe that makes him a semi jerk. All this national attention for this? The little boy made out like a bandit. Bats, balls, tickets, and a trip to New York. I saw an interview with the mother and was wondering what incident she was talking about. It could not have been the same one I saw. Talking about fifteen minutes of fame. Matt is now so ashamed he is giving the family several tickets, the ball, and who knows what else. I heard a local radio station said Matt left town after the incident, too ashamed to show his face. And to top it all off my preacher used the incident in his sermon. Enough is enough. I think their fifteen minutes are over now.

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